Lesbian couple forces their son to "be queer", they state "He hates it, lol."

Image from i.redditmedia.com and submitted by itrolledyougood
image showing Lesbian couple forces their son to "be queer", they state "He hates it, lol."

goosepelican on June 26th, 2017 at 10:27 UTC »

I feel like this is b8 but I live a sheltered life and am not exposed to the 'gender is a spectrum' crowd so I can't be sure

longdongjon on June 26th, 2017 at 12:41 UTC »

I'm constantly like tying to queer my relationship with him and get him to wear tutus. he hates it. He's just like 'no.'

That's seems out of context. Her next line is:

"When I catch myself trying to do these things it really just ends up making me feel really retro and dumb about gender... Obviously, I want to support whatever he wants to be"

*edit: fixed spelling

bribebe on June 26th, 2017 at 13:12 UTC »

I know this will land me a shit ton of hate but if I remember from the video correctly they're giving their kid both boy things and girly things so he has options/isn't only exposed to one type of thing. I'm not saying I agree exactly with their method but I think that's where they were trying to go with it. And I could be wrong but I don't think this is forcing the kid to be queer. But idk #letsjustgetmad