I thought it was 2017, but apparently not. Spotted on a university campus.

Image from i.redditmedia.com and submitted by ButtHoleCityTonight
image showing I thought it was 2017, but apparently not. Spotted on a university campus.

NivexQ on June 24th, 2017 at 16:04 UTC »

Is it /r/FellowKids material if kids did it?

ReverseTuringTest on June 24th, 2017 at 16:50 UTC »

Is that the Fox from those ads for used cars...? Mixed with a bitstrip character? THEY NAILED THIS SHIT!

Meetybeefy on June 24th, 2017 at 18:38 UTC »

Oh wow where do we begin with this? This is probably my favorite post on this sub!

References a viral song from 2013 References said song by including a picture of the CarFax mascot Does not have her actual picture, just a screenshot of her Bitmoji - that was taken from a Snapchat of... nothing? Said pictures are awkwardly overlapped What really takes the cake is "vote vote vote vote vote...", which I assume is meant to be to the beat of the song "The Fox", but then awkwardly ends with "for Brandy for ANS senator" which no longer matches the beat of the song