When it comes to difference, children see things differently

Image from i.redditmedia.com and submitted by KX321
image showing When it comes to difference, children see things differently

lovethemonkey on June 22nd, 2017 at 04:56 UTC »

This reminds me of a story that one of my teachers told us when we were having a lesson about prejudice. She was with her young daughter in a packed doctors waiting room and sat across from them was a mother and her daughter who had a cleft palate. My teachers daughter kept saying to her "mummy mummy look at the girl over there". My teacher would just say "yes dear be quite now" the other mums in room looked awkward and everyone generally wished this small child would stop trying to point out the obvious. But the girl wouldn't stop and eventually she loudly shouted "mummy look at that girl she has the same necklace as me". My teacher said she felt so bad for placing her assumptions about the first thing she noticed on to her daughter.

MadDany94 on June 22nd, 2017 at 07:00 UTC »

This reminds me of a r/upliftingnews post about a kid who got the same haircut as his friend so that their teacher couldn't tell who was who. He was white and his friend, black.

Kids are precious little things!