Autistic Kids Fear Stupid Senators Holding Normal Senators Back – The Shovel

Authored by and submitted by Evadregand

Dickhead senators should be separated from their peers for the good of everyone else, autistic children say.

In a statement to media, one child said it was simply common sense. “There are many senators who want to go ahead in leaps and bounds, but they’re being held back. They’re being held back simply by the fact that so much attention needs to be given to a few wankers who have an under-developed sense of reality”.

“Just think where our senators, where our political system would be if we didn’t have to pay special attention to some dickhead who puts a colon in the middle of his name because he thinks the government is using grammar to enslave its citizens”.

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NoUseForALagwagon on June 22nd, 2017 at 02:32 UTC »

The thing about autism is that they are lumped together when just like non-autistic kids they all have their own personalities and their own separate needs.

What does the lead singer from The Vines, Dan Akroyd and a recent Miss America contestant have in common? They're all autistic and they couldn't be more different from each other.

Not every autistic child is a 4-Chan obsessed hermit or a disruptive nuisance or a troublemaker.

Pauline is sinply calling for more segregation, which does nothing but cause more division and make largely isolated children even more isolated.

LachedUpGames on June 22nd, 2017 at 02:01 UTC »

I'm autistic and I didn't struggle academically at school at all, I consistently scored well and got a UAI of 95.00. My problems were social, I wasn't holding anyone back from learning.

I guess this is Pauline Hanson though, she's been saying bloody stupid shit for decades now so we shouldn't be surprised.

Werewomble on June 22nd, 2017 at 00:34 UTC »

Imagine if democracies got a downvote as well as an upvote?

We would never see Bernardi or Hanson again.

Imagine a world without them...Mmmmmmmm!