Seeking Answer

Image from and submitted by taires
image showing Seeking Answer

Kougi on June 20th, 2017 at 11:30 UTC »

Reddit's obsession with puns is pretty damn accurate.

I wonder if we'll ever get a post on the topic of electricity, in which half the comments aren't like "Well grounded research", "That's shocking", "That makes me ex-static", "Was this research met with resistance?" - etc, etc.

Avambo on June 20th, 2017 at 11:34 UTC »

I hate when the top answer is to use a library for something that I later manage to do in less than 10 lines on my own.

I understand that people don't have time to solve complex problems for others, but telling someone to use a big library is such a bad answer in most cases.

Fang7-62 on June 20th, 2017 at 11:35 UTC »

lol, that -3 stackoverflow guy