The real truth about vaccination

Image from and submitted by TAFKAMoistowelettes
image showing The real truth about vaccination

RedPanda1188 on June 19th, 2017 at 07:37 UTC »

And 100% of adults die. use your brains sheeple!

MC_Kloppedie on June 19th, 2017 at 07:52 UTC »

I can confirm this. I'm an adult. But people should beware, it only works physically, mentality wise I'm still a teenager.

Harry-le-Roy on June 19th, 2017 at 12:56 UTC »

I saw this at the March for Science. It's a great sentiment.

My late father worked on vaccine adverse event reporting for the US Food and Drug Administration. His work included collecting data that were used in studies and meta-studies on a link between vaccines and autism. This went on for years, and followed many different approaches.

For a while, a number of researchers were hell-bent on demonstrating a link, because conclusive proof would have made the researchers' careers. That would have meant an endowed chair somewhere, seats on boards of hospitals or pharma companies, and the like.

Two decades later, the evidence is still anecdotal, despite mountains of data about vaccination and autism. And, somehow Andrew Wakefield still has a following, despite having clearly committed academic fraud with a profit-motive, resulting in the loss of his medical license.

If there's a link between vaccines and autism, it has eluded some of the best minds in medicine, statistics, and health informatics for decades. The evidence just isn't there.