This is actually a proven method

Image from and submitted by PutinIsBadAss
image showing This is actually a proven method

ClearedHotSendIt on June 18th, 2017 at 16:30 UTC »

Fell asleep in the gun truck once. Gunner let off a good 60-70 rounds through the M2. I woke up back in the motorpool, never even knew we left or fired rounds. OUT

goatkindaguy on June 18th, 2017 at 16:52 UTC »

It took me about three years after I got out to be able to go see a movie in a theater without falling asleep. After the first 10 movies I fell asleep during, I figured that was my life forever. Now, ten years later, I can sit through even 2.5 hours without falling asleep!

Wozenfield on June 18th, 2017 at 16:53 UTC »

The first valuable skill many learn in the military is the ability to sleep anywhere at any time...

it's not the first skill they teach you, it's just the first many learn.