"C'mon Vlad, give me back the sword!"

Image from i.redditmedia.com and submitted by malgoya
image showing "C'mon Vlad, give me back the sword!"

malgoya on June 13rd, 2017 at 12:41 UTC »

Home Front to Front monument in Magnitogorsk, Russia

This memorial complex is the first composition of the world famous tripartite Soviet memorial group which includes "The Motherland Calls!" in Volgograd and "Soldier-Liberator"in Treptower park/Berlin. The central memorial consists of two large statues (15 meters) of a Soviet soldier and a worker. The soldier carries a large sword, which symbolise the war industry of the Soviet Union during the Great Patriotic War. There are 14,000 names of former residents of Magnitogorsk who fell in the Great Patriotic War engraved at the memorial site.

Magnitogorsk was considered Stalin’s Steeltown USSR. On January 1929, the Soviet authorities decided to start construction of the Magnitogorsk Metallurgical Plant. The first train with builders from all over the USSR arrived to the station “Magnitogorskaya” on June 30, 1929. This date became the birthday of Magnitogorsk.

One of the main reasons for the construction of the metallurgic city was the presence of very rich iron ore deposits in the mountain Magnitnaya

The steel plant is truly vast, running for miles along the Asian bank of the Ural River. Some parts of the city are old and decrepit looking, others appear sparkling and ultra-modern

Here's more pictures of the monument

Here's a few pictures of the plant

Morrigan101 on June 13rd, 2017 at 13:49 UTC »

When the noob tries to steal your UGS but he invested all in Dex

compaq8000 on June 13rd, 2017 at 14:15 UTC »

That thing was too big to be called a sword. Too big, too thick, too heavy and too rough. It was more like a large hunk of Iron.