The Spoiled-Brat-in-Chief

Image from and submitted by karabeckian
image showing The Spoiled-Brat-in-Chief

FlyLikeATachyon on June 11st, 2017 at 12:31 UTC »

This comic makes it seems as though Trump might be as tall as Comey if only Trump had a spine.

Totally inaccurate. Comey is much taller.

gjallard on June 11st, 2017 at 12:53 UTC »

The most damning piece of circumstantial evidence against Trump is exactly this. There is a Presidential council, established by Trump, investigating the "millions of illegal votes cast in the last election" (of which there is no evidence), yet the White House is completely ignoring the Russian election hack (of which there is some substantial evidence).

This behavior is bordering on infantile. Ignoring it won't make it go away. Screaming that it's false, running to your room and slamming the door won't make it go away. Blaming everyone else won't make it go away.

Dealing with it like an adult is the only path forward here. And I haven't seen that behavior exhibited yet.

evergreen35 on June 11st, 2017 at 13:51 UTC »

Funny how Trumpeters talked about supporting Law Enforcement, but they will throw anyone, including the head of the FBI, under the bus if they question the great Kim Jong Orange.