The Aztec God of War was often depicted as a Hummingbird, and the Aztecs believed that fallen warriors would return to Earth in the form of a Hummingbird

Image from and submitted by YoSoyUnPayaso
image showing The Aztec God of War was often depicted as a Hummingbird, and the Aztecs believed that fallen warriors would return to Earth in the form of a Hummingbird

wesker256 on June 10th, 2017 at 20:07 UTC »

This reminds me of when my family had a hummingbird feeder hanging from a tree right off of our front porch. On a good day you could watch one or two hunmingbirds fly up and drink and go merrily in thier way. At other times they would drone at crazy speeds and dive-bomb each other like fighter pilots. It got to be that we moved the thing away from the porch because you couldnt just sit there and hang/read a book/smoke/etc without being part of the chaos. I'd heard they were territorial, but its pretty crazy seeing them go after one another. Edit: point being I can see a culture seeing them as violent.

camlop on June 10th, 2017 at 21:50 UTC »

Hummingbirds are so cute. Especially when they fluff up and look fat.

mrshekelstein16 on June 10th, 2017 at 22:32 UTC »

I'm 0.06 ounces of whoop ass.