Telling a little girl that feminism sucks

Image from and submitted by TheYoungMasterBates
image showing Telling a little girl that feminism sucks

ColombianGrapes on June 6th, 2017 at 14:24 UTC »

Tier 1 neckbeard

Apoc2K on June 6th, 2017 at 14:31 UTC »

I sat through roughly 5 minutes of this before I had to cut it short, lest I suffer severe and irreversible tinnitus from the continuous shrieking. He isn't "telling" her anything, he's just yelling at a video of her explaining a few questions she's gotten about feminism (in a respectable manner - mind you). To give you an idea of the quality: before she even makes an argument, he rants for a solid minute - simply because he heard the word feminism.

He's extremely condescending and belligerent at all times, she's a little girl who doesn't live in the real world, daddy pays for everything, doesn't know what she's talking about - you know the works. He also (purposely, mind you) interrupts the video constantly to yell about her failing to define something- only for her to define said something in the next few seconds. Then he rants about her definition because his definition is different (and the only correct one, of course.) He also contradicts himself doing this, first claiming "feminine" just means having tits and a vagina, then going on that things like "nurturing" are traditionally considered feminine traits as well. Naturally inconsistency on her part is a grave sin while his is glossed over. Then goes on about her use of the term "submission" in relationship to rape, which is wrong because apparently term that only applies to consensual sex? E.g., a rapist can't make someone "submit" to them.

Someone explain to these fuckers that the reason no-one debates them is NOT because their logic and reasoning is infallible, but because no-one wants to spend time and effort debunking the ill conceived notions of some frustrated asshole who'll spend the majority of the 'argument' yelling about tangibly tangentially related things.

gimmepizzaslow on June 6th, 2017 at 14:45 UTC »

That dude is the walking stereotype. The shirt, the hair/goatee combo, the 2-liter, the stupid smug facial expression. i wonder if he is on reddit? paging u/warcorpse666

EDIT: Apparently not under that username