Ellie was my abusive ex boyfriends dog. I took her when I left. I used to call her Eeyore because she was so sad all the time. It took a while, but we got our spirits back. Top left: 11/15/15, bottom left: 4/7/16, top right: 3/23/17, bottom right: today.

Image from i.redditmedia.com and submitted by Niffer13
image showing Ellie was my abusive ex boyfriends dog. I took her when I left. I used to call her Eeyore because she was so sad all the time. It took a while, but we got our spirits back. Top left: 11/15/15, bottom left: 4/7/16, top right: 3/23/17, bottom right: today.

coffcat on June 5th, 2017 at 13:11 UTC »

Good for you! She looks like a sweet baby! I did the same thing once, I was renting a room from a woman who was mistreating and neglecting two kittens. I can't tolerate animal abuse-but I lived there so I was stuck between a rock and a hard place. I waited until one day she took her granddaughter to the movies. I moved out while she was gone and took her cats. I had two already so I found a home for one and the other ended up being sickly so I kept him. He was a good cat, I took care of him his whole life 17 years. His name was FatKitty, he liked smoochies on his ears :)

SpideyJen19 on June 5th, 2017 at 14:51 UTC »

I called off a wedding a month before it was supposed to happen because my ex violently scruffed and started shaking our kitty - all because Notre Dame wasn't winning by enough. Some people are just jerks. Power to ya for getting out!!!

foxytheterrorterrier on June 5th, 2017 at 16:22 UTC »

PSA: Many shelters have programs to help abuse victims get their animals out with them. These programs exist because many victims will STAY for the sake of protecting their beloved animals and many abusers will use the life/wellbeing of their animal as a threat.

If you are looking to escape with your animal contact your local shelters to see what they can do. I was involved in a program that would immediately house the animal for up to 90 days free of fees, so that the victim could seek living arrangements while knowing their animal is safe and sound. The program is set up so only one person in the entire shelter even knows the real name of the victim and the animal, so the abuser cant call and ask "Say, did my wife Betty drop off my dog Fluffers?" We dont know a Betty or a Fluffers!

If anyone needs help finding a program to help in their area, they can PM me

OP: glad you and your pupper are safe and healing!