Practice makes perfect [Image]

Image from and submitted by pmMeYourFavAlgorithm
image showing Practice makes perfect [Image]

racoontune on June 6th, 2017 at 00:41 UTC »

humpf... so much for "Haste makes waste".

The other problem with the fable is that it supposes that the quality group were restricted from making models or even trying to. In reality their work would be better simply because their efforts would have been the ones trying again & again until they got it right. While the quantity group would have zero incentive for quality control, in the meantime wasting as much fuel to fire the kiln as possible and making a ton of fired material with defects making their pots less useful to any end user.

MaybeAliensDidIt on June 6th, 2017 at 03:01 UTC »

Why would the quantity group learn from their mistakes though, improvement is irrelevant to their goal. They'll get rewarded regardless if they learn and improve or if it's still shitty. Like Ubisoft.

ToaKarn on June 6th, 2017 at 04:01 UTC »

...until they realized that only weight mattered, not quality.

Then they stuck fifty pounds of clay into the furnace and called it a day.