Tumblr feminist defends a women that raped an 8 year old boy

Image from i.redditmedia.com and submitted by Damin41
image showing Tumblr feminist defends a women that raped an 8 year old boy

DerTrickIstZuAtmen on June 1st, 2017 at 14:59 UTC »

Read this daily mail article about it if you aren't angry enough yet.

Judge Robert Juckes QC said: 'I make no secret of the fact your case has given me cause for much consideration.

'I have come to the conclusion that due to the concern and embarrassment caused to both you and your family that you will not be offending again, let alone committing sexual offences.

'I am also aware of the effect this will have on your baby. I am pleased to hear your parents have started to build bridges with you.

'That does not stop the fact though that you had full sexual intercourse with a child when he was eight to 10 years old - by his evidence it was upwards of fifty times.

'It seems to me that I am bound to pass an immediate custodial sentence. I take into account what has been said to me and the fact that you stopped the activity yourself.

'You realised it was wrong rather than being caught and forced to stop. Therefore my sentence is one of two years. You will serve 12 months in prison before being released on licence.'

Defence lawyer Antonie Mullers had told the court Morris was struggling to accept the facts of the case, and asked Judge Juckes to spare her a prison sentence altogether.

He said: 'Her immaturity at 21 means she cannot accept the facts yet. She accepts her conviction but with time will accept more.

Also, I have no idea why the article use a verb like "sleep with" on sexual child abuse.

Loren Morris, 21, started sleeping with the boy five years ago

Mechanical-one on June 1st, 2017 at 15:00 UTC »

I dont know if this story is true but I do know of something like this happening once.

A former cheerleader got one of her sons freinds drunk and raped him (underage so both statutory and regular rape) and she was sentenced with alternate weekends in jail for two years. And got to keep her kids. because the judge thought going to jail for the proper amount of time would hurt her ability to be a mother.

double-happiness on June 1st, 2017 at 15:38 UTC »

Female tumblrina tells male rape victim 'silence is the best option'

Edit: I'm getting messages that the blog named at the top of screen apparently didn't make the reply, just to clarify that. Please don't bother them, they are not responsible!