Driving across the country when my tire popped near KS/CO border. This guy pulled over within 30 seconds and helped me. If you are out there, thank you very much!

Image from i.redditmedia.com and submitted by fbomb10
image showing Driving across the country when my tire popped near KS/CO border. This guy pulled over within 30 seconds and helped me. If you are out there, thank you very much!

jeajea22 on June 1st, 2017 at 17:51 UTC »

Are you traveling with Eric Andre?

Edit: and we were all right!

carcrusher on June 1st, 2017 at 18:22 UTC »

Ok, here's how you change a tire: - pull the car on a flat surface - pull the parking break - loosen a bit the bolts of the wheel - put the jack under the car and raise it - take of the wheel an place it near the jack under the car (in case the car slips of the jack) - get the spare and put in place - start putting the bolts in place (first choose the holes that make a triangle for safety, if the car falls of the jack it will do less damage) - put the rest of the bolts and tighten them - take the car of the jack - tighten the bolts again (put the wrench in place and climb with your foot on it)

This should hold until you can get to a shop and have the tire fixed.

Sixthcoin on June 1st, 2017 at 18:53 UTC »

Today you, tomorrow me.