
Image from and submitted by rsriprac
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BuddyFoxTV on May 31st, 2017 at 00:15 UTC »

This post caught my eye because according to a very anti-vax Facebook friend of mine, they're also anti-sunscreen. Just some more shit about the government controlling us with chemicals. Her kids must be happy.

sand26 on May 31st, 2017 at 00:45 UTC »

As someone from Boston, this episode was pure brilliance.

classycatman on May 31st, 2017 at 02:49 UTC »

A former high school classmate of mine posted on Facebook the other day some BS about measles being benign and a "rite of passage" for kids back before vaccines. I replied with something along the lines of "I'm happy that my kids won't die from these rites of passage and from things like polio and HPV."

Her response: "Oh, so measles is deadly now?"

I was, well, stunned, and proceeded to provide her with plenty of sources indicating that things like measles were, in fact, deadly to some, not to mention the fact that polio was literally crippling.

She took down her post.

Mission accomplished.