[image] Absolute Motivation

Image from i.redditmedia.com and submitted by iBleeedorange
image showing [image] Absolute Motivation

gimmegimme2 on May 29th, 2017 at 19:19 UTC »

I also stayed up til 4am to do my homework. Because I played video games until 2am...

CategoryMistake on May 29th, 2017 at 21:52 UTC »

As other comments have pointed out, Harvard "meets need" with financial aid and students from poor families can and do finish four years there with little to no debt.

When I taught high school, I tried to encourage some of my students to apply to schools like Harvard and they often refused to do so because they thought it would be too expensive. In part this was because of their parents discouraging them from going anywhere out of state for a variety of reasons. People really don't like their kids moving away. But a larger part is that my students lacked information and the ability to envision themselves going to a place like Harvard. When I tried to explain the financial aid situation, I got a lot of push back from students and parents.

A great deal of motivation comes down to the power to imagine possibilities. I grew up in a poor community and I have had people fight me tooth and nail when I suggest they have potential or that there are opportunities for them elsewhere.

amlast on May 30th, 2017 at 00:12 UTC »

I used to know a Chinese girl who had physically walked/hitched, by herself, from China to Europe to find work and was forced to eat rats along the way. She is now working (and studying), married and a citizen.

A lot of people in this world have it really fucking hard.