[I Ate] Pork Belly Bao

Image from i.redditmedia.com and submitted by Frankensteinbatch
image showing [I Ate] Pork Belly Bao

amoebaslice on May 28th, 2017 at 13:40 UTC »

The rich, succulent pork; the thinly sliced and gently toasted garlic; and the bright vegetal bitterness of the roughly chopped green onions; all cozily tucked into a warm, tender bao with perfectly reassuring resilient chew.

This dish is the poetry and the joy and the meaning of life.

denkendale on May 28th, 2017 at 15:11 UTC »

I made bao too, recently. Definitely worth all the hard work when you bite into the soft bun and taste the juicy meat and all that spice. Closest thing to heaven imo.

terusama on May 28th, 2017 at 15:35 UTC »

Question for my foodie redditors, why has this variety of bao really taken off and not the kind of bao that is stuffed, like chashaobao? I greatly prefer chashaobao to these open-face bao sandwiches because they're less messy. I usually even have a hard time referring to this kind of presentation as "bao" since to me "bao" inherently means stuffed, but is that just a dialectical thing? Thanks