
Image from i.redditmedia.com and submitted by AnimuuStew
image showing 2meirl4meirl

RobertOfHill on May 28th, 2017 at 03:33 UTC »

On the off chance you're serious, how ya doing buddy? Not great I imagine.

Edit: Really glad to see everyone banding together here. I think this community, more than others, understands EXACTLY what it means to feel the way a lot of us here do. It sucks a whole lot to feel so beaten down, and so frustrated.

A lot of people here don't see the point in living, but fear the vast unknown of death, and going through that alone can be soul crushing.

Everyone. You don't need to hide behind the memes to get the attention you need, and deserve. I am a fairly busy person, but if you don't feel comfortable making a cry for help, send me a message. Sometimes knowing there's someone on the other side of that screen, who knows precisely what it means to contemplate their lives, and possible suicide, is enough to take the edge off of things for awhile.

You're not alone, and there are so many good people that want you to be happy.

If you're having an emergancy, and I just can't reply fast enough to help you, please call someone. Keep your local suicide hotline number in a place you can get to it. And call it. I know it may seem weak, or like you're failing, but believe me; the folks running those phones want you to call.

All this being said, keep the sub alive. Memes for everyone!

JustLaskingQuestions on May 28th, 2017 at 03:41 UTC »

I love this reddit and everyone in it, that includes you, op.

abortionfetishist on May 28th, 2017 at 04:26 UTC »

This sub is kind of wonderful. It allows us to be depressed pathetic trainwrecks together instead of killing ourselves alone.

Hang in there OP. If nothing else, you've a lifetime of spicy memes ahead of you.