Racist Professor Tells White Men To Quit Or Be Demoted

Authored by dailywire.com and submitted by J0kerr
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Racist Professor Tells White Men To Quit Or Be Demoted

A University of Hawaii assistant math professor who holds a PhD degree in mathematics from Princeton University has a new racist equation she wants to promote: white + man + job = her order for white males to quit or be demoted.

Piper Harron wrote on a blog for the American Mathematical Society (AMS), titling her piece, “Get Out The Way.”

Not to alarm you, but I probably want you to quit your job, or at least take a demotion. Statistically speaking, you are probably taking up room that should go to someone else. If you are a white cis man (meaning you identify as male and you were assigned male at birth) you almost certainly should resign from your position of power.

If that didn’t suffice, there was more: “Get off your hiring committee, your curriculum committee, and make sure you’re replaced by a woman of color or trans person … Remember that you live in a world where people don’t succeed in a vacuum; most success happens on the backs of others who did not consent. You have no idea how successful you would have been if you were still you, but with an additional marginalization (not white, or not male, or not cis gender, or with a disability, etc).”

After some endless ranting about needs of non-traditional families, Harron paused for a moment to snarl:

Ask yourself who benefits when your sexist society views (“traditional”) marriage as sacred. Ask yourself how we’d talk about marriage and divorce if women were allowed to be. I’m convinced that mixed in with the homophobia that propelled conservatives to suddenly want government all up in our personal lives was misogyny that said it just isn’t “marriage” if you don’t have one man (ruling) and one woman (being ruled).

What can universities do? Well, that’s easier. Stop hiring white cis men (except as needed to get/retain people who are not white cis men) until the problem goes away. If you think this is a bad or un-serious idea, your sexism/racism/transphobia is showing … When the applications come in, remember society makes dominant applicants look better than they are. Society makes marginalized applicants look worse than they are. There is no objectivity. There is no meritocracy.

I know you’re not going to quit your job, but I want you to understand that you should. And to understand that by keeping your job and your other unearned privileges, you are running a continued debt to marginalized people and you should always be seeking ways to pay us back. Not to alarm you, but statistically speaking you are the problem. Your very presence. I can’t tell you what is the best strategy for you to stop blocking my path. I can just ask that you please get out of my way.

On the “About the Editors” page, Harron’s bio states that she “tried really hard to play by the rules of society and academia, but she failed. Not only did she fail, but she was miserable and found that playing by the rules wouldn’t even keep her safe … She dedicates her work to everyone who dabbles in misery, trying to find their way in systems that don’t support them, and to anyone trying to tear it all down. ”

flogthepony on May 19th, 2017 at 19:12 UTC »

Hilarious troll-comment:

We need to decouple success in mathematics from IQ. IQ is a social construct that cishet white men devised that defines “intelligence” on the basis of culture. Sadly, there is a direct correlation between high IQ and “earning” a PhD in a STEM discipline, which is all too reflective of how white cishet men have designed disciplinary concepts to reinforce their own power structures.

It is fundamentally unfair and marginalizing for IQ tests and mathematics curriculum to be designed around the same white supremacist, cisheteronormative standards, thus marginalizing women of color. What we need isn’t just “fair hiring;” we need a radical reconceptualization of mathematics in a decolonizing framework.

Our friends in the fine arts lead the way here. A century ago, white male composers like Beethoven and Mozart were considered mastered, while the authentic cultural expression of nonwhite peoples was denigrated using words I won’t repeat here. The advances of critical theory have helped guide musicians into recognizing that the music of the Bantu people is just as worthy of learning and study as that of any baroque composer…so should we not follow the same lead? Is not our problem is that we have allowed white cishet men (nearly all of whom had utterly disgusting views about race and gender) to define “mathematics,” “logic” and “proof” for us? We should recognize that there are many kinds of math, many kinds of logic, and many kinds of proof, and assemble a new concept of math from the mosaic of cultural expression that humanity affords.

It’s time for a new scientific revolution, if you ask me…this one led by the folks shut out of the last one.

Mr_Funnybones on May 19th, 2017 at 17:52 UTC »

If you think this is a bad or un-serious idea, your sexism/racism/transphobia is showing.

Oh, the irony

jimmyolsenblues on May 19th, 2017 at 17:28 UTC »

Not to alarm you, but I probably want you to quit your job, or at least take a demotion. Statistically speaking, you are probably taking up room that should go to someone else. If you are a white cis man (meaning you identify as male and you were assigned male at birth) you almost certainly should resign from your position of power.

I am ashamed of the world we have made.