Serious candidates only

Image from and submitted by Alfie_13
image showing Serious candidates only

Loki-L on May 19th, 2017 at 12:22 UTC »

Obviously this is the result of some idiot copy and pasting without thinking or understanding how the URL works. Hopefully they people at the paper who saw it decided to do nothing because they are paid by the letter not because they failed to notice anything wrong.

Still a sufficiently patient person could type all this in.

Compare this with the US government who are offering their TSA pre-check program for people who want to avoid being groped at airports and can prove they are not terrorist by paying money to the the TSA agency. They once advertised this already stupid program by printing the URL on billboards. The URL was:✓™

This url totally works, but good luck typing it into your browser. After they had gotten made fun of enough they eventually decided to change it to

Which does not look anywhere as cool, but is significantly easier to type. The old URL still redirects to the new one.

It is always amazing to see such screw ups in the wild. You have to wonder how many people were involved in the creation who were either to stupid to see the problem or decided that it was no their job to point it out to anyone.

Amilo159 on May 19th, 2017 at 12:39 UTC »

Serious candidate will just stop the url after job-id.