How the Netherlands responded to Erdogan's thugs

Image from and submitted by newPhoenixz
image showing How the Netherlands responded to Erdogan's thugs

Klaxun on May 18th, 2017 at 01:12 UTC »

I Google searched this image to try to understand the circumstances at the time, but Google Translate just isn't up to the task. Can anyone explain what led up to this photo?

newPhoenixz on May 18th, 2017 at 06:34 UTC »


Not easy to do in TL;DR; but:

erdogan wanted the Turkish population to vote to give him more power (basically he's trying to become a dictator) He wants Turks in other countries (like the Netherlands) to vote as well, and to ensure they'd vote for him, he sent out government officials to convince the Dutch turks to vote for him.

The Dutch government did NOT appreciate him spreading his dictator message in Holland and explicitly forbade erdogans minister to come to Holland. erdogan threatened the dutch government and sent the minister anyway. The Dutch authorities told them ge would be denied entry at the airport so they went on to send another minister (who was in Germany at that moment) to the Netherlands by car. Dutch intelligence got word of this, went to intercept them, but they sent multiple convoys as decoys, and she got through all the way to the Turkish embassy in Rotterdam (the other side of the country, at the coast) (note, that is not too far, its like a 2 hour drive from the coast to Germany, Holland is a tiny country)

She finally got stopped in the city itself, police surrounded her car to prevent her from entering the embassy (or consulate), she sent out her body guards to intimidate the Dutch police. Police responded with requesting the swat teams, and with that we arrived at this picture.

They had a lot of turks already out there and even though she was forbidden to do so she tried to talk to them anyway, the entire thing turned into a riot circus, the consulate organized a riot in front of their doors, and more riot police had to come I to manage the situation. In the end she was forced back to germany under police escort.

Nice little nugget I forgot about from /u/HelixR:

Awesome fact: there was a moment where the minister did not want to leave her car. Dutch authoroties were kind of depending on her to do so. Instead, Dutch prime minister Mark Rutte threatened to put the whole car with the Turkish minister in it on a truck and "repo" her out of the country. Only after this threat, she decided to exit the vehicle.

Mission accomplished, Turkey knew very damn well what would happen, forced the issue anyway, and afterwards got to play the victim card, calling the Dutch Nazis.

This is just erdogan showing turkish population that his little chicken balls aren't really that tiny.

Edit: Add to this list that he wanted a german comedian jailed because he joked about him (and for a while it actually looked like the german govermnent would do so! edit: apparently they let him sue the comedian as a private person, but IIRC, all that failed anwyay), then this morning Turkey violating Greek airspace the entire day, etc.. This dude is becoming a problem..

Edit: tried to clarify

Edit 2: This post is basically in response to what happened yesterday in Washington DC, see and google for more.. Basically erdogan thug bodyguards beat the living shit out of a number of innocent US citizen protesters on US soil, police did not do very much to intervene (not directly criticizing those there, I can imagine its hard to decide what you can possibly do when that happens), no response from Trump (not beyond "It was a great honor to welcome the President of Turkey, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, to the @WhiteHouse today!") on the subject either..

Edit 3: fine! Got 4 golds by now, thanks to the anon internet persons!

Edit 4: fine!

Edit 5: For good measure, let me add this little gem. Its a dutch comedian responding to erdogan trying to sue a german comedian for making fun of him.. Edrogan will love this. Hans Teeuwen Rocks!

Edit 6: fine!

Edit 7: corrected a mistake in the story, the female minister actually was the second minister turkey sent, after the first one would be stopped at the airport.

rocketlaunchr on May 18th, 2017 at 09:32 UTC »

the absolute best quote from that whole showdown was when the minister, fucking screaming, that the embassy is turkish soil, police letting of a little smile pointing to the ground saying "yes but you're not on it, this is dutch soil"