[Image] do something differently

Image from i.redditmedia.com and submitted by bnwm
image showing [Image] do something differently

limesqueezeme13 on May 17th, 2017 at 08:30 UTC »

Like buy it.

pargmegarg on May 17th, 2017 at 10:20 UTC »

Or just do the same thing over and over until you have the money for thing you want. I think that's how jobs do.

albertowtf on May 17th, 2017 at 11:09 UTC »

As usual /r/GetMotivated, great quote if you give it the right spin is was meant to have, comment sections half cesspool telling how wrong the quote is, and half jokes. Im only okay with the jokes tbh

Im commenting in this particular occasion because I think this quote is just on point and it just works

My own story to back up why I like this quote so much:

I moved to another city. Different people around me, different friends, different house, different job, different everything. I really cut strings with the past when I move. After a few years of settlement, SAME KIND OF THINGS started happening to me. The only thing events had in common was me. Whatever it was, it was my own doing

Basically if you want different things to happen, you will have to try to approach them in a different way. Your current way is obviously not working even if it is not obvious to you and you think your way is so good just because is yours or just because it worked in the past at some point

This is different to keep following your dreams kind of cliché. This quote is not about how to get what you want, its about how what you are doing right now is not working