This Arby's has a plaque for a customer that died

Image from and submitted by badbagel37
image showing This Arby's has a plaque for a customer that died

Vewy_nice on May 16th, 2017 at 18:39 UTC »

That's sweet and sad all at the same time.

Renwuad on May 16th, 2017 at 20:44 UTC »

My local bar has a table with 4 chairs around it. 3 of them have plaques on them like this. Every so often I'll be in there and see an old man sitting alone at this table in the non-plaque seat. It makes me so sad to know that was his watering hole with his pals. Yet he's the only one left.

SirBigMan on May 16th, 2017 at 22:10 UTC »

If you spend enough time in the service industry you are bound to find that one person that comes in all the time, that knows everyone by name, and truly cares about the staff.

For me it was Paul, I worked at this random cafe during college and he came in pretty much every day and got Ice Tea with light ice. He would always ask how my classes were going and would tell me to keep going. For someone who's parents were on the other side of the world it meant a lot to me. After he passed we renamed the Ice Tea to "Paul's Ice Tea."

Rest it peace Paul, hope you and John are hanging out right now shooting the shit.