Comey Damns Trump By Saying He Didn’t Write Memos On Obama Because Obama Was Truthful

Authored by and submitted by flmanta
image for Comey Damns Trump By Saying He Didn’t Write Memos On Obama Because Obama Was Truthful

A source close to former FBI Director James Comey said that he didn’t write memos about his conversations with President Obama because the conversations were routine and Obama was truthful.

CNN’s Pamela Brown reported, “Even though he liked to create paper trails through his years at the Justice Department and the FBI, it was not common practice for him to document conversations with senior officials unless he thought it was significant. Conversations that Comey had with Trump he documented. In one memo, Anderson, he included a description of the President talking to him about crowd size at the inauguration. The source I spoke to said Comey did not do this with President Obama in part because he had fewer one on one conversations with the president, and as the source said, in Comey’s view, there was no need to document the conversations with people that are truthful or situations that are routine.”

When Republicans inevitably ask, why didn’t Comey have memos about Obama? The answer is that Obama kept their conversations routine and truthful. Comey had no need to write memos about Obama because the former president was honest and professional.

It is all coming together against Trump. Former FBI Director Comey has a perfectly logical reason for keeping memos of his conversation with Trump. President Trump was behaving in a troubling manner that Comey thought needed to be documented.

The bottom line is that Comey’s memos aren’t partisan, but the do reflect the difference in honesty between Obama and Trump.

NaturesGirl on May 17th, 2017 at 03:55 UTC »

These are textbook examples of a healthy workplace and a toxic workplace. When your "superior" lies, gaslights, tries to coerce you into not doing your job and/or violate policies and procedures, you had better document all of it.

Agents at Comey's level of experience know instinctively when someone is being truthful or telling lies. Trump doesn't seem to get that or if he does, doesn't care.

all4reddit on May 17th, 2017 at 03:33 UTC »

This comment will really get under Trump's thin skin.

dallasak on May 17th, 2017 at 02:43 UTC »

This is great, Comey has had enough of Trump and his lies.