
Image from i.redditmedia.com and submitted by awkward_giraffe
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SJ529 on May 16th, 2017 at 21:01 UTC »


Pff that was me when I was 15

ahsbajanaak on May 16th, 2017 at 22:19 UTC »

For me:

5: I can't wait until I'm a teenager so I can have so much fun.

15: I hope I die before I'm an adult because it seems awful.

20: Oh fuck I was right.

JamesBlakeAMA on May 16th, 2017 at 23:08 UTC »

Scarily accurate. Around 17/18 the depression started fading as I got excited to start adulthood and my life. Now, as an adult who lives on my own, pays all my bills, etc. I've realized those years were the best I'd ever get, despite how shitty they really were. I mean I actually can't believe I'm nostalgic for such a shitty period of my life.

As a depressed kid/teen, you could hold out hope for adulthood. But once you actually reach that threshold, there's no next threshold to cross besides death. I spend 12 hours in bed, 4 hours working when I should be working 8, and the rest watching British panel shows, screaming along to Frank Ocean songs, and walking around aimlessly in city parks. My diet consists mostly of pesto naan pizzas, cheerios, and Trader Joe's pop tarts.

I find it more humorous than sad, really, but I'm bored as fuck, lonely as hell, and not nearly horny enough.