Woman Carries Twins for Her Sister, Who Had 9 Miscarriages

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Headlines Woman Carries Twins for Her Sister, Who Had 9 Miscarriages Playing Woman Carries Twins for Her Sister, Who Had 9 Miscarriages

Melissa Kayser had lost hope of becoming a mom after having nine miscarriages – until her older sister stepped in.

Kayser, 33, had been trying to have a baby for three years when doctors finally suggested, after fertility treatments and IVF, that she should consider a surrogate.

“I was devastated because you think as women we are literally born to do one thing and that’s to reproduce and when you can’t do that one thing you feel like a failure,” Kayser told InsideEdition.com. “I didn’t know if I could emotionally handle another woman being able to carry my child.”

That's when Kayser’s sister, 35-year-old Lisa Auten, offered to carry a baby for her.

“I couldn't stand watching Melissa go through loss after loss," Auten told InsideEdition.com. "She hurt so badly and she just wanted a child so bad. If I could help give her a family, then I was going to do it."

Doctors recommended that the sister have two embryos implanted. No one was expecting both to take, however, because doctors said one of the embryos was poor quality.

But then came the news: It was twins.

“I think we were all a little bit shocked. My sister was telling them to count again,” Kayser said. “My sister had a really good pregnancy and very little complications. I got to be at all the ultrasounds and got to feel the babies kick. We did a gender reveal and we tried to make things fun and memorable.”

The baby girls, Tierney and Ashlynn, are now 6 weeks old.

The sisters, however, are still going through the process of getting Kayser listed as their official mom due to Nebraska law. Although the twins are biologically Kayser’s, Auten was listed on the birth certificate and Auten has to relinquish her parental rights to allow Kayser to ‘adopt’ her children.

The adoption will take place when the girls reach 6Â months old.

Auten said she still doesn’t want to have kids of her own although pregnancy was a fun experience for her.

“I never saw myself being a mom. I enjoyed being pregnant, but the experience has not changed my mind," Auten said. "I am just fine being an aunt."

And Kayser is extremely grateful for the gifts her big sister has given her.

“Every day I am in awe. You hear women say you don’t really know love until you have children. They really do complete me,” Kayser said. “There’s never any words that I can say to thank her for what she did. She gave up a year of her life so that we could have a family. I could never repay.”

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John_Barlycorn on May 15th, 2017 at 15:51 UTC »

We had the same problem. We went to see a fertility doctor (who was ironically the spitting image of Will Ferrell, but super dry and not funny) and he said the most amazing thing someone's ever said to me

I would be happy to take all of your money, and that would buy you less than a 10% chance at actually having a baby. Meanwhile, this world is full of children who desperately need parents.

That's all I needed, we were talking to a social worker about adoption a few days later, and had our son within the year. The best decision we had ever made. I keep running into people who've spent hundreds of thousands of dollars on fertility treatments and misery. You don't have to... there are children everywhere that need you. ADOPT!

walksafelyjc on May 15th, 2017 at 15:03 UTC »

Cute story. The sister who had the miscarriages saying that women are born for one thing is kinda sad for her to think that, and ironic since she cant have them. I loved that the sister who carried the babies to term never wanted kids and still doesn't want kids lol.

Kingdonk0 on May 15th, 2017 at 13:57 UTC »

My wife and I have gone through 2 miscarriages. I can't possibly imagine going through 9.