Taco Bell coin drop game. Managed to land my quarter perfectly on its edge.

Image from i.redditmedia.com and submitted by soliloqum
image showing Taco Bell coin drop game. Managed to land my quarter perfectly on its edge.

dopplegangerexpress on May 14th, 2017 at 15:29 UTC »

Congrats, you now own Taco Bell.

bruisedunderpenis on May 14th, 2017 at 16:04 UTC »

I have a photo somewhere of nearly the exact same thing. I wish I could find it. That thing was how I used to afford food in high school.

MetalliMunk on May 14th, 2017 at 16:16 UTC »

They have them at local Burger Kings, I use them all the time for cheap meals. 25 cents for a Whopper, 10 cents for small fries, 5 cents for a small drink. Quarters are usually the easiest to get it on, then nickels, with dimes being the hardest because of them being thin and prone to more of a bounce.

The trick I learned was the aim for the second lowest platform and to put the coin in the middle slot on top, and sort of tilt it so it's almost flat against the top (so that it when it lands will hopefully land on a flat side versus an edge which would create less bounce). Once it lands on the second lowest platform, you slowly turn the top dial AWAY from the lowest platform, and the coin will slowly go TOWARDS the lowest platform, until it lands on it.

My most common meal would be getting a 2-3 dollar chicken sandwiches (Rodeo Chicken, which is bbq, onion rings, and deep fried chicken) and a nickel for a soda, get it refilled once whilst there and then refill it on the way out :)