me irl

Image from and submitted by HyphenSam
image showing me irl

jacdeswilliams on May 12nd, 2017 at 12:51 UTC »

I would but I'm not creative enough to write my own story

I mean me too thanks

redditchao999 on May 12nd, 2017 at 13:35 UTC »

In the 70s and 80s, they used to make gamebooks that were pretty much like playing an RPG with the book as the DM. They were pretty much like open world rpg video games before those were even technically possible.

jitterscaffeine on May 12nd, 2017 at 14:24 UTC »

I've got a friend who's a SERIOUS micromanager when it comes to making campaigns. He was trying to get our group to play Vampire: The Masquerade and spent like a year detailing everything about it, going so far as to writing the characters he wanted us to play. We've still never played V:tM, but I hope he just writes a short story or something and gets it out of his system.