I want my refund now! Oh...wait...

Image from i.redditmedia.com and submitted by aether31
image showing I want my refund now! Oh...wait...

Singrgrl14 on May 4th, 2017 at 23:21 UTC »

I mean, to be fair, he didn't actually ask for a refund, much less demand one.

elvisfchrist on May 5th, 2017 at 01:46 UTC »

Sounds like a joke

Mataraiki on May 5th, 2017 at 03:10 UTC »

This made me remember an incident with a guy who used to consistently order from a pizza joint I used to work at who wasn't high, he just ALWAYS found something to complain about. One time he called up to complain that his half pepperoni only had two pepperonis on it.

"Sir, we put two pepperonis on top of the cheese to know where to cut, the rest of the pepperonis are under the cheese."

"No they're not! I checked!"

"Sir, I made that pizza myself, did you check both halves?"

"Of course I did, there weren't any und.... Oh, there they are, never mind." *click*

My personal favorite was the exchange of pronouncing his name.

"Thank you for calling *insert pizza chain here*, may I take your order?"

"Yeah, I'd like to place an order for Godorov." (internally screaming knowing he's going to get pissed for something asinine)

"Okay, what can I get for you Mr Godorov." (pronounced it EXACTLY like he did)

"No, it's pronounce Godorov."

"Okay, Godorov." (again, same as him)




Passed off the phone, didn't get in trouble, since everyone knew what a dick he was.