Glasgow gym set to introduce fitness class consisting of nothing but SLEEPING for 45 minutes

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A new fitness class could be hitting Glasgow soon - and it's a right old snoozefest.

David Lloyd Clubs, which has centres in the west end and Rouken Glen, is trialling the innovative new workout which consists of nothing but climbing into a bed and SLEEPING for 45 minutes.

So if you want to keep fit but love nothing more than catching 40 winks, 'napercise' could be about to make your dreams come true.

The sessions have been devised in response to the stress-inducing nature of modern life.

Primarily a wellbeing class aimed at exhausted parents, the benefits include regenerating the mind, body and even burning the odd calorie.

It arrives in the wake of research revealing the ‘tiredness epidemic’ across the UK, with 86 per cent of parents admitting to suffer from fatigue and 26 per cent regularly getting less than five hours sleep a night.

Participants swap spin-bikes for single beds and upbeat workout tunes are ditched in favour of atmospheric sounds to create the perfect environment for the soporific sessions to take place.

The studio temperature is also be dropped to a level that promotes calorie burning during sleep.

Napercisers will be invited to curl up in one of the beds and indulge in some restorative mid-afternoon shuteye, before continuing on with their day.

The practice was developed in conjunction with dreams and sleep expert Kathryn Pinkham.

She said: "Sleep is a lot more important than people realise.

"We tend to focus on the short-term effects such as being tired or lacking concentration, but it is also essential for our long-term physical and mental wellbeing too.

"In addition to a lack of sleep bringing with it a higher risk of developing anxiety or depression, when we are sleep deprived we lack the energy to exercise regularly, and also the mental clarity to make good decisions about the food we eat, which could negatively impact our physical health in the long-run."

The scheme is being trialled in Sidcup this weekend and, if successful, will be rolled out nationwide.

_____FRESH_____ on April 27th, 2017 at 20:37 UTC »

I'm moving to Glasgow and selling shirts that say, "I just slept with 12 people and all I got was rest."

BenBeJamming on April 27th, 2017 at 19:14 UTC »

This is not for "fitness" per se, but for wellness. This is likely an initiative to promote holistic wellness.

Edit: a word.

BlondeLawyer on April 27th, 2017 at 19:06 UTC »

If it's at lunch and next to the office that would be awesome.