It's coming... (credit to John Brosio)

Image from and submitted by pizza_for_nunchucks
image showing It's coming... (credit to John Brosio)

pizza_for_nunchucks on April 27th, 2017 at 16:19 UTC »

Credit goes to the original artist, John Brosio.

He has some creepy paintings - his subject/content and style really work well together. But growing up around tornadoes, this one really hits home.

governmints on April 27th, 2017 at 17:28 UTC »

Must be Oklahoma, everyone is just going about their business.

FartIntoMyButt on April 27th, 2017 at 17:41 UTC »

Reminds me of the storms in the game Mad Max.

They don't hold a candle to the visuals in the movie, of course.

But in the game, you see this just massive, angry cloud taking up the entire horizon and sky, and you can tell it's moving unbelievably fast towards you- and then, before you know it, it's upon you- you can't see anything, it's super loud, and there's deadly debris flying everywhere.

great game