What if the Earth were a middle-aged adult and other comparisons

Authored by kottke.org and submitted by ManoLorca

Sometimes big distances, long time periods, and large numbers can be difficult to grasp. So it helps to contextualize them with comparisons. When you do so, you realize that a billion is much much more than a million:

But when he linked these numbers to time, it brought things in perspective: 1 million seconds is nearly 12 days, whereas 1 billion seconds is almost 32 years. “Everybody gets it when you say it like that,” he wrote in an email. “If you just said 1 billion is three orders of magnitude greater than 1 million, I don’t think it would make the same impression.”

Tim Urban’s Life Calendar emphasizes the relative shortness of human life and the importance of using your time well by reorganizing a human lifespan into weeks.

Each row of weeks makes up one year. That’s how many weeks it takes to turn a newborn into a 90-year-old. It kind of feels like our lives are made up of a countless number of weeks. But there they are — fully countable — staring you in the face.

High school chemistry teacher Keith Karraker recently imagined the Earth having the lifespan of a typical human, which is a useful way of thinking about young humanity is in comparison.

Earth’s about half-way through its life. If it were a middle-aged adult of 40, its last mass extinction happened about 7 months ago. To 40-yr-old Earth, humans have been using tools for a week and a half, and just left Africa 8 hours ago to settle around the globe. All of human history is the last half hour. It’s been an exhilarating and disastrous half hour. But we figured out some really cool shit. We figured out quantum, relativity, and DNA. A randomly mutating and replicating molecule built a machine to figure itself out. Even much older evolutionary changes are surprisingly recent on this scale. Spines debuted just over 4 yrs ago. About when iPhone 5 did.

For more on the visualization of large scales, see also Powers of Ten, the leisurely pace of light speed, the size of supermassive black holes, and this comparison of the sizes of things from the Moon to galactic superclusters and beyond:

You want to talk about human insignificance? If Betelgeuse, one of the largest stars shown in the video, were in the Sun’s place, it would nearly reach the orbit of Jupiter, from which light takes 43 minutes (on average) to reach the Earth. (via @stevesilberman)

Loki-L on April 22nd, 2017 at 13:04 UTC »

Note that the humans in this comparison is not even Homo Sapiens.

Anatomically modern humans have only been around for 200,000 years, which at a compression of 40 / 4.543 billion works out to be 15 and a half hours.

Other fun points on the 40 year scale:

3¼ years ago our first ancestors crawled out of the sea to live on land 2 years ago the first dinosaur appeared. 7 months ago all the dinosaurs (except birds) became extinct 15 hours ago the first anatomically modern human came onto the scene. 28 minutes ago recorded history began. 9 minutes and 20 seconds ago was what we now call the year 1 AD 67 seconds ago the USA was founded 11 seconds ago an actual 40 year old man would have been born.

Edited to add:

The future for this 40 year old Earth guy doesn't look too bright, while he may have 70 years ahead of him before the Planet gets engulfed by the sun become a red giant and may live to the ripe old age of 110, life on earth, which has been around since the guy was a small child (8 to 11 years old) will be gone in another 5 to 7 years. At that point the sun will have become too bright for photosynthesis to work and almost all life on earth will die.

Life is short.

TheDudeNeverBowls on April 22nd, 2017 at 12:25 UTC »

So the Earth didn't start smoking, drinking heavily, and abusing hard drugs until like a couple of minutes ago???

Must be a midlife crisis :(

AthleticNerd_ on April 22nd, 2017 at 12:12 UTC »

It would also wake up with an achy back, start losing its hair, and be bored with its relationship with the moon.