Writer at coffee shop changes woman's order without her permission, analyzes her and then turns down her sexual advances.

Image from i.redditmedia.com and submitted by throwaway_a6x
image showing Writer at coffee shop changes woman's order without her permission, analyzes her and then turns down her sexual advances.

throwaway_a6x on April 20th, 2017 at 19:16 UTC »

This isn't a one-off. This guy writes ridiculous fantasy theater about his life usually at least twice a week and none of his friends call him out on it. In many of his stories, women are always approaching him with unsolicited compliments in public places or he absolutely "schools" someone with his wit and intelligence. Here's another one from just a couple days ago. I have so many more of these...

sleighur on April 20th, 2017 at 20:34 UTC »

"Oh, miss?"

She turned back around, "Yes?"

"Be sure to tell me all about your childhood in Omaha over coffee next time."

"But... but how did you know I'm from Omaha?"

"I detected a slight North Midland dialect in your speech patterns. That places you anywhere between Kansas and Ohio. Your friendly openness with strangers suggests a more Mid-Western disposition. I surmised that puts you somewhere west of the Mississippi. You ordered a Soy Latte and soy beans are one of the primary agricultural exports of Nebraska. Your fashion sense and keen intellect suggest a metropolitan, rather than rural background. I just went with the largest urban center in... wait, did you hear a thud?"

"Yes", she replied sheepishly, "that was my panties hitting the floor."

throwaway_a6x on April 20th, 2017 at 21:35 UTC »

Okay, one more.