How much a dollar cost?

Image from and submitted by Syuk_Dat_Deke
image showing How much a dollar cost?

JollyCoOptimus on April 19th, 2017 at 12:59 UTC »

They are downright aggressive in the city I work in. They will walk right up to your window, tap on the glass, stand in the street. It's annoying as fuck

mynameis4826 on April 19th, 2017 at 15:13 UTC »

Once I was in ATL with a couple of buds, and this one homeless dude kept harassing us. Finally, one of my friends whipped out his box of cigs and handed it to him. Not only did that guy stop bugging us, but no more homeless people even approached us for the rest of the night.

Idk if there's a secret underground society of hobos underneath Atlanta, but I like to think homeless bro took care of us for that night.

sleepydumbdude on April 19th, 2017 at 15:48 UTC »

Homeless man used to go through my trash when I lived in another neighborhood. I'd stay out drinking really late some nights and noticed him do it, dude didn't give a fuck and would go through your trash 25 feet in front of you. Didn't say anything though just went through my trash for cans and random stuff and put it all back.

Well after the third time I saw him or so I was pretty lit late at night on trash day and decided to put a bottle on the top of the closed trash bag for him. He usually came by around 3-4.

I did this for like 3 weeks and one night stayed out late and watched him open the trash and drink it. He still paid no attention to me who was only like 25 feet away sitting in a lawn chair. Well I do this for months since I knew he drank them. Got a new girlfriend who stayed over and girlfriend said that is mean and asked why I put it in the trash and I was like umm to make sure no one but homeless trash man gets it. So she talked me out of doing it saying I was inconsiderate and that was a dick move.

Homeless man knocked on our door at 7 am one day like two weeks later. She looked out the peep hole and saw him and got freaked out. I was in the shower for work and by the time I got pants on he was gone. I told her that he was probably wondering where his trash beer was. I started putting the beer in the trash again for him after that. I still wonder if he came by to see where his beer was for the new tenants after I moved away.