Fuck Cancer!

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image showing Fuck Cancer!

Germahy on April 18th, 2017 at 19:22 UTC »

tbh thought that was designer

sqectre on April 18th, 2017 at 21:02 UTC »

Pro tip- any headline or article that uses the phrase "cure for cancer" as if there is only one type of disease called "cancer" should have your bullshit meter at full tilt. There will never be a cure for cancer, we can only hope for many cures to the many thousands of different ways in which cancer manifests itself. It's like saying "we're close to finding a cure for pests!"

No you ain't. Maybe you're close to finding a way to eradicate a certain pest species of rat from a certain area, but you ain't ever gonna find one fix for all rats in all places, let alone all pests. Brain cancer will likely never be cured by the same treatments as pancreas cancer, etc. It's just not the way cancer works.

KiraEatsKids on April 18th, 2017 at 22:34 UTC »

This like the 7th time I've seen a headline about a 20 year old finding the cure to cancer