Kindergarten teacher finds Legos are good for cognitive development in young children and bans boys from playing with them in order to "close the gender gap"

Image from and submitted by SpideyCow
image showing Kindergarten teacher finds Legos are good for cognitive development in young children and bans boys from playing with them in order to "close the gender gap"

ThisMustBeMy20thAcc on April 18th, 2017 at 11:21 UTC »

What. the. fuck.

Someone tell me it's satire, please for the love of God.

EDIT: You know many claim women have better emotional intelligence than men (abilities to recognize other people's emotions, deal with your own...).

That's unfair to our boys, so I proposed we starve little girls of affection so girls will have a lower emotional intelligence and in that way boys won't be left out, sounds sane right ?

IMPORTANT EDIT: Please read u/cardboardguru13 's comment, as well as u/jbbbbbb2 comment. Got really angry for apparently not much.

Deipnoseophist on April 18th, 2017 at 12:09 UTC »

Equality. They keep using that word but I don't think they know what it means.

LDinthehouse on April 18th, 2017 at 13:12 UTC »

Why on earth couldn't she have a section for girls only on top of what the boys have? To create equality she's attempting to bring the boys down to the level of the girls rather that bringing the girls up to the level of the boys.

Man if I were a parent at this school I would be going absolutely nuts.

She's knowingly defrauded a school foundation out of a grant by lying through her teeth about what the grant was going to be used for. This sick fuck is making me furious.

She places blame at toy manufacturers stating

girl sets replete with themes such as baking, cooking, care giving, homemaking, decorating and hair styling

I don't know about anyone else but I've never seen toy manufacturers restrict toys to certain genders. Nothing about the police sets or the construction sets mention anything about 'boys only'.

Fair doesn't have to be the same Try telling that to the 77%ers.

EDIT: according to this article someone posted in the comments earlier ,

Overall, boys are ahead of girls in math (by an equivalent of about three months of schooling), about even with girls in science and a year behind girls in reading. Part of the reason for this more recent disparity is that boys spend less time doing homework and reading books than girls. Another reason is teachers like Keller, who actively hold boys back in order to promote girls. The OECD also found that teacher assessments favor girls, while anonymous tests allowed boys to do much better. "The gap with girls in reading was a third smaller, and the gap in maths — where boys were already ahead — opened up further," The Economist wrote. "In another finding that suggests a lack of even-handedness among teachers, boys are more likely than girls to be forced to repeat a year, even when they are of equal ability."

That just about sums it all up doesn't it.