"What's it like being Canadian?"

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image showing "What's it like being Canadian?"

TheFrillyHermit on April 13rd, 2017 at 00:48 UTC »

Sometimes we nail bite at the tensions rising in the world, sometime we are flaberghasted certain things ever happend, sometimes we just shake our heads and sigh. A lot of what happens in the world does effect us on some level. As a country with a multicultural policy and a charter act, anything is bound to affect at least some part of the community. But at the end of the day, we still seek solace in a cup of coffee during the day, an alcoholic drink at night, and check out funny cat videos while on the shitter... ya know. Normal stuff. :P

ru-ya on April 13rd, 2017 at 02:14 UTC »

Nervously sweating as our neighbours' new landlord is setting the building on fire.

frontaxle on April 13rd, 2017 at 03:51 UTC »

I grew up in Saskatchewan and was thrilled whenever there was any reference to Canada or Saskatchewan. I moved to BC in 1986 and to this day I always see US license plates and hope they are having a good experience. I work for an American company that doesn't know much of Canada. I feel a comfort and peace every time I land in Vancouver and feel that I live in a semi-perfect balance of nature and global awareness. I have never been prouder of my country and want to visit coast to coast.