13 States No Longer Tax Feminine Hygiene Products and 15 More are Debating Doing Away With Their “Tampon Tax”

Authored by statisticalfuture.org and submitted by Turkeyburgerfries

One of the more puzzling taxes that states impose on its citizens involves the collection of sales tax on feminine items such as tampons and sanitary napkins. In essence, they are a necessity for women that men do not require.

Over the past couple of years, dozens of bills have been introduced in state legislatures that aim to do away with a tax that only affects women. There are hardly any other gender-specific taxes, and while tax revenues may dip slightly for state budgets, it’s an equality issue that over half of state governments are currently addressing.

13 states do not tax feminine care products (5 states have no state sales tax, 8 states have enacted legislation to eliminate the tax) and another 15 have a bill introduced in at least one legislative chamber to do the same thing.

States that have eliminated feminine product taxes – New York, Illinois, Massachusetts, Minnesota, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Maryland, D.C.

States with no state sales tax – Alaska, Delaware, Oregon, Montana, New Hampshire

States debating eliminating feminine product taxes – Louisiana, Michigan, Wisconsin, Nevada, Washington, California, Colorado, Ohio, Florida, Texas, Arizona, Virginia, Utah.

In numerical terms, about 4/5ths of the population of the U.S. lives in the above 27 states (and D.C.) and with tampon tax repeal laws carrying bipartisan support for the most part, it’s likely that we will see at least another dozen states added to the ones taking the tax off of their books.

Digging a little deeper, most estimates come out with an average total cost for feminine products, over the course of a woman’s lifetime, to around $2,300. This is a straight off the shelf number that doesn’t take into account transportation costs other associated expenses. Going with a 6.5% state sales tax, the average woman will end up paying their state government about $150 just for the privilege to keep clean on their periods.

It’s difficult to blame state lawmakers or treasurers for overlooking these taxes when they were first imposed. At a time when fruits and vegetables were taxed at nearly the same rate as consumer goods (decades ago), creating a tax carve-out for feminine products probably wasn’t on anybody’s mind. Today, it becomes much more difficult for lawmakers to look the other way when computers do all of our work for us when it comes to calculating taxes. The “tampon tax” has been recognized as being a problem and the technical challenges to fix it are virtually non-existent.

Within the next few years, we will probably see all but a few states put legislation on the books to eliminate the tampon tax. When it comes down to re-election, nobody wants to be the person on the receiving end of an attack ad claiming that they are in favor of women-only taxes. These bills almost all seem to have bipartisan support when very little else does these days.

BearGryllsGrillsBear on April 12nd, 2017 at 22:17 UTC »

Because I don't see it posted here yet, here is a list of the states:

States that have eliminated feminine product taxes – New York, Illinois, Massachusetts, Minnesota, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Maryland, D.C.

States with no state sales tax – Alaska, Delaware, Oregon, Montana, New Hampshire

States debating eliminating feminine product taxes – Louisiana, Michigan, Wisconsin, Nevada, Washington, California, Colorado, Ohio, Florida, Texas, Arizona, Virginia, Utah.

qdobe on April 12nd, 2017 at 20:21 UTC »

From a man to fellow men who do not understand.

An unattended Period, because it produces blood, is a health and safety issue. In order to not have 50% of our population from 'contaminating' work, school, or other public places with blood, we deem tampons as 'essential'.

"Well what about razors and shaving cream!" Not shaving does not pose health and safety risks.

The fact that tampons are used by women is a side note to the whole issue here. Do you want to sit on the bus and find a blood stain? Go to the movie and sit on a wet seat? Go to the doctors and wait in a waiting room where 50% of the seats are blood stained? Obviously you wouldn't. That's why it is necessary, and deemed a "necessity".

Lets pretend for a second that you cut your arm in the middle of your work day. You are bleeding on your clothes and on your work. Would you brush it off and continue with your work day? No, you would get a bandage (which is also a nontaxable necessity) to cover up the wound. You wouldn't let it soak into your clothes, get on your desk, on your walls and chair, you would take care of the issue. Now imagine if that happened to you every month for 5 days.

This is not a gender issue, it is a health and safety issue, and denying that tampons are a necessity would lead me to believe that you don't care how hygienic your public places should be. I sure as hell want to make sure women can take care of their periods so that public seats don't get ruined.

Imagine how fun your job would be if you were a janitor at a college where women didn't wear tampons.

Halco_swagyolo on April 12nd, 2017 at 20:07 UTC »

Tampon tax aka Blood Money