'Rogue One' concept art of the Death Star being completed inside Scarif.

Image from i.redditmedia.com and submitted by comrade_batman
image showing 'Rogue One' concept art of the Death Star being completed inside Scarif.

DarthSatoris on April 10th, 2017 at 10:42 UTC »

While it does look very stunning, it would also be hilariously impractical. Like, disgustingly so. Not only do you have to compensate for the atmosphere, you also have to account for the oceans falling down into the hole. Not to mention that the further you get into a planet, the hotter it gets, thanks to magma, which is also a measure that needs to be guarded against if you want to maintain structural integrity. Also, it is not certain that Scarif itself even has the necessary raw material to build the Death Star, so you have to import it from somewhere else. You would then *also* need to drill the hole first and remove all that material to another location. If you think about it, the "dock" itself has to be *bigger* than the Death Star, and the Death Star itself is already a herculean undertaking. If you're thinking about "digging out" the Death Star from Scarif, that would also be impossible, as all the material needs to be processed, cooled off, stamped, bent, designed, etc. first and not just go to work with a hammer and a pick. That's not how construction works. Also, there's still the whole issue of magma. Assuming this did indeed take place, you would essentially have ruined an entire garden world because the missing mass would make gravity really weird, or even worse, huge chunks of the planet could collapse into the hole, causing extensive atmospheric disturbances. So while it looks stunning, only an idiot would actually do this. It is *far far* easier to just build it in space from the beginning, exactly like they did in Episode 3.

Sloppy_Goldfish on April 10th, 2017 at 10:54 UTC »

That would make absolutely no sense, but it looks awesome.

FreeOaks on April 10th, 2017 at 11:38 UTC »

Isn't there a scene at the end of RotS with Vader, Palps and Tarkin standing on a star destroyer bridge overlooking the construction of the Death Star in space? Wouldn't make much sense to suddenly have the construction take place inside Scarif in Rogue One.