me irl

Image from and submitted by TheScyphozoa
image showing me irl

Reddevils96 on April 8th, 2017 at 09:44 UTC »

craftypepe on April 8th, 2017 at 10:39 UTC »

There was recently a guy on a roof near where I live in the city. All my friends in a Facebook group chat were saying how worried they were for his safety and hope he doesn't jump. I remembered that scene from Futurama and just chimed into the conversation with "do a flip!". No one laughed at that, but I did 😂

Chiafriend12 on April 8th, 2017 at 12:44 UTC »

When I was the head RA in my dorm I was having cafeteria dinner in a group of 5 during Halloween week One girl asked everyone what they were going to dress up as. Guys said they weren't going to dress up. She said she was going to be the Star Wars slug monster. Buddy: "You mean Jabba the Hut?" "Yeah, that guy!" Girl's friend: "You would *so* make a good Jabba!" "I know, right? I look just like him!" Me: "You wouldn't even need to dress up" She started crying and left the table She submitted a complaint to my boss