These are the same item. Guess which is the newer batch?

Image from and submitted by mrluckypants96
image showing These are the same item. Guess which is the newer batch?

mcflannelman on April 5th, 2017 at 15:04 UTC »

Ugh. I remember when this happened to the ice cream. I was working frozen foods at the grocery store and all at once every fucking manufacturer was like "hahah fuck y'all we goin small!"

CliffCutter on April 5th, 2017 at 15:33 UTC »

Bad news, they also have less flavor dust and are thinner.

Cripnite on April 5th, 2017 at 18:11 UTC »

Grocery manager here. A lot of items tend to do this (chips in particular) every other year, alternating with a price increase in non-size changing years. Oftentimes they will come out with a "New, Larger Size!!" which is the size it used to be or close to it, when the packages get to be too small. Pringles, particularly, have jumped around in size a lot of the last 5 years. Every time they do we have to adjust shelf heights. They're a pain in the ass.