Well at least she isn't whatever you call the people from T_D.

Image from i.redditmedia.com and submitted by smokealittlewed
image showing Well at least she isn't whatever you call the people from T_D.

SpinningCircIes on April 4th, 2017 at 16:54 UTC »

I always thought that if your net worth isn't at least mid 7 figures then being a republican makes you a moron. Agree or disagree with liberal policies, it doesn't matter - applying republican policies hurts the people in every measure, including yourself. Everything costs more and is of a relatively inferior quality when regulation/oversight is removed, tax cuts for those who can easily afford to pay more shrink service budgets, etc. You don't have to give a damn about others and still realize how you should give a damn about yourself.

Tucking_Fypos on April 4th, 2017 at 17:11 UTC »

Let me tell you abut how much Republicans hate the poor.

Obama set it up so that when the DOJ fines a company like a bank, instead of that money going to to Government, they can instead opt to donate to a non-profit. These non-profits then help people, like the poor. Sounds good right? Well, what do the right call it:

GOP wants to eliminate shadowy DOJ slush fund bankrolling leftist groups

That's right, it's 'leftist groups' like National Council of La Raza, the National Community Reinvestment Coalition and the National Urban League.

So, money from people who try and defraud and cheat taxpayers goes to organizations who help the poor, and Obama is attacked as having slush fund he distributes to fit his agenda. It's sad.

weeburdies on April 4th, 2017 at 17:33 UTC »

I think the Venn diagram between r/incels, r/t_d, and r/theredpill is probably solid.