"My friend's son came home from school Thursday with a stamp on his arm that said "LUNCH MONEY" because his account was low."

Image from i.redditmedia.com and submitted by Erik_Meijer_
image showing "My friend's son came home from school Thursday with a stamp on his arm that said "LUNCH MONEY" because his account was low."

pat_the_tree on April 1st, 2017 at 19:07 UTC »

Next they'll have to wear armbands with poor written on them

HardKnockRiffe on April 1st, 2017 at 20:53 UTC »

They put a sticker on my kids' shirt and told them they couldn't take it off. A bright yellow sticker that reads, Send Lunch Money in bold, black letters. I told my kids to take that shit off if they do it and have them call me if they want to discuss it. The money account we have is supposed to automatically refill, but sometimes, they'll get breakfast, which will take them down to the refill point, but won't have enough for lunch. Oh, and we get charged $2.50 every time the damn thing gets refilled. I have to spend money in order to fucking spend money and it pisses me the fuck off.

HungryHungryKirbys on April 1st, 2017 at 23:15 UTC »

My mom likes to tell me this story of when my brother was in elementary school (in the late 1990's). We were on a reduced lunch plan, because we were poor, and I guess one day my brother, age 8 or 9 at the time, made it through the line, including the part where they basically ring up your lunch, and to his table with no money in his account. He'd sat down and started eating, and the lady who processes the lunch accounts realized the error, and, with no delicacy, grabbed my brother's tray, in front of all of the other kids, and tossed it into the trash and scolded him for not having money.

Now if that isn't some LSC, I don't know what the fuck is.