Donald Trump on Saturday attended the 153rd Annual National Rifle Association Meeting in Dallas, Texas, where he gave the keynote speech and claimed his former doctor once said he was a “better physical specimen” than Barack Obama.
Trump mentioned a lot of his greatest hits at the speech, but things went off-script when he dealt with a “brutal” flying insect. Before that moment, however, the 45th president spoke about his time in office, when he had the same White House doctor as Obama did.
“They asked him who is a better physical specimen, is it Donald Trump, or is it Obama?” Trump said on Saturday. “He said it is not even close, Donald Trump, not even close, I said I love this guy. Dr. Ronny Jackson.”
That line got some laughs, including on social media.
@zrxh14 wrote, “That is the joke of the day.”
Democrat Harry Sisson said, “Donald Trump just tried to claim that he’s ‘healthier’ and a ‘better physical specimen’ than President Obama. Now this is how you know he’s REALLY delusional. This is the same guy who is falling asleep in court every single day, by the way.”
@OurShallowState provided a translation for the former president’s claim about being more physically healthy than Obama.
“Speaking at an NRA function in Texas, Trump says he’s ‘healthier’ and a ‘better physical specimen’ than President Obama. Translation: He’s falling apart medically and mentally. And he’s forever obsessed with Obama.”
@realjakecobb added, “Trump claims Ronny Jackson told him that he was healthier and a better physical specimen. ‘And it wasn’t even close’. Does anyone actually believe that?”
@anneeller·38 responded to a side-by-side photo of Trump and Obama.
“This is not fat shaming of Trump. It is simply in response to Trump claiming that Ronny Jackson assured Trump that Trump is a better physical specimen than Obama,” the account wrote. “As usual, Trump does not want us to believe our own eyes.”
FunkinDonutzz on May 19th, 2024 at 13:06 UTC »
Ever stop to think that maybe you shouldn't let a deranged old guy who's currently on trial for criminal offences, who's had 25 women claim sexual assault against him, who has insinuated he'd like to fuck his own daughter, who was close buddies with a high profile child sex trafficker, who is a noted xenophobe, sexist, and tried to instigate an insurrection not run for president?
Just a thought.
thedatsun78 on May 19th, 2024 at 06:56 UTC »
Welcome to 2024. Were words don't matter and the cult is still strong.
gynoceros on May 19th, 2024 at 06:47 UTC »
Specimen of what, gelatin?