Ben Starr, the voice behind Final Fantasy 16’s main man Clive, called out the video game industry’s recent instability in a viral clip.
Ahead of his Golden Joystick win for Best Lead Performer, Ben Starr was asked about whether or not 2023 was the best year for games.
“Honestly, are we going to get serious?”
"Final Fantasy XVI actor and passionate gamer @The_Ben_Starr gets real about the complex state of the gaming industry 30, 2023 See more.
Layoffs and job insecurity have always been issues in the industry, but in 2023, the problem seems to have ballooned as almost every major tech company made cuts.
And those examples only scratch the surface of how dire 2023 has been for developers, despite the industry’s growth.
GTA 6’s publisher blames the layoffs on “the enthusiasm of the pandemic,” and believes that some companies overextended themselves during lockdown. »