It’s Not a “National Divorce.” It’s a Call for One-Party Authoritarian Rule.

Authored by and submitted by thenewrepublic
image for It’s Not a “National Divorce.” It’s a Call for One-Party Authoritarian Rule.

She continued, “What I think would be something that some red states could propose is: Well, OK, if Democrat voters choose to flee these blue states where they cannot tolerate the living conditions, they don’t want their children taught these horrible things, and they really change their mind on the types of policies that they support, well once they move to a red state, guess what, maybe you don’t get to vote for five years. You can live there, and you can work there, but you don’t get to bring your values that you basically created in the blue states you came from by voting for Democrat leaders and Democrat policies.”

“National divorce,” in other words, is a call for one-party rule. Its proponents hope to abandon all those pesky democratic processes and practices so they can simply impose their policy agenda upon Americans by fiat. Never mind that the states aren’t homogenous, with plenty of Democrats living in the red states and plenty of Republicans living in the blue states. Never mind that the idea of “red states” and “blue states” itself is vague and malleable, as Greene’s own state of Georgia has shown in the last few election cycles.

The idea of breaking apart this country over pronouns or climate change regulations is nonsense. It should not be taken seriously. But Greene’s underlying idea—that all our perceived national problems would go away if we stopped trying to resolve our differences through elections and the democratic process—can’t be ignored. It demonstrates a dangerous and malignant view of politics in this country, one that has led to bloodshed and madness everywhere else it has been tried. The American republic doesn’t exist to make dreams come true, but to prevent nightmares from becoming reality.

DreddParrotLoquax on February 25th, 2023 at 16:21 UTC »

It's bizarre that people like her think their side will be the US and the rest of us won't be. If they leave, they have left the United States and everyone else will still be the United States. Only way they get to be the US (and retain all that the US as a political entity has, from the military to the power grid, from the international treaties to the interstate agencies) is if everyone who isn't them leaves or they muster up enough goobers to kick the sane majority out.

Truth is that secessionist states would have to start from scratch, and we regularly see that they can't organize a fuckin swap meet, let alone a functional government.

chmod777 on February 25th, 2023 at 16:13 UTC »

why are we dancing around this? its not a 'national divorce' - its a call for a civil war.

DriftlessDairy on February 25th, 2023 at 16:09 UTC »

Yeah, dumb and dangerous. Biden-Voting Counties Equal 70% Of The U.S. Economy [Infographic]