Managed to take a pic of the Sistine Chapel before i was told its not allowed

Image from and submitted by Downvotes_inbound_
image showing Managed to take a pic of the Sistine Chapel before i was told its not allowed

huffcat on December 11st, 2022 at 21:14 UTC »

You know, I’d much prefer they enforce the no talking rule, people just can’t seem to be able stfu.

Zealousideal_Law8297 on December 11st, 2022 at 21:47 UTC »

Started a tour there where we were told there was absolutely no talking or pictures in the chapel. Got to the chapel and it was loud and everyone was taking pictures. It was ridiculous.

Hattix on December 11st, 2022 at 22:07 UTC »

I covered this on a TIL: Photography isn't allowed, but not for the reason you might expect!

"Photography is not allowed in the Sistine Chapel for religious reasons."

Nippon TV of Japan bought exclusive photographic, film, and television rights in exchange for funding the chapel restoration project.

The Vatican passed a law which forbade all photography, but for that contractually stipulated, and then never repealed it. As no photography is stipulated, and the Nippon TV contract has expired, the law remains in full effect.