The Daily Populous

Sunday October 9th, 2022 evening edition

image for Russian draft dodgers pour into Kazakhstan to escape Putin’s war

Vadim says he plunged into depression last month after Russian President Vladimir Putin announced a military draft to send hundreds of thousands of conscripts to fight in Ukraine.

Several days after Putin’s draft order, he bid his grandmother a tearful farewell and left his home in Moscow – potentially forever.

Last week, in Kazakhstan’s commercial capital Almaty, they stood in line with more than 150 other recently-arrived Russians outside a government registration center – part of an exodus of draft dodgers.

Russian arrivals queuing at a registration center in Almaty, Kazakhstan.

“How can I take part in a war without a wish to win this war?”

Unlike Ukrainians, who fight bravely for their homeland, Giorgi says Russian draft dodgers like himself can be viewed as both “a refugee and an aggressor” by virtue of their citizenship.

The new Russian exiles are not technically refugees, in part because the Russian government still isn’t officially at war with Ukraine. »

서울시, 모든 임산부에게 교통비 70만원 준다

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서울시는 22일 “교통약자인 임산부의 이동 편의를 높이고 출산 가정의 경제적 부담을 덜어주기 위해 내달 1일부터 서울 거주 전체 임산부에게 1인당 70만원 교통비를 지원한다”고 밝혔다.

지원 대상은 서울에 6개월 이상 거주한 임신 석 달(12주) 이후, 출산 석 달 이내 임산부다.

임신 기간에 신청하려면 임신 여부 확인을 위해 정부24 ( 누리집에서 ‘맘편한임신’→‘지방자치단체 서비스’→‘서울시 임산부 교통비 지원’ 메뉴를 찾아 신청한 뒤, 다시 서울시 전용 누리집에서 신청하면 된다. »

US troops should be withdrawn from Saudi Arabia, UAE in wake of OPEC decision to slash oil production, Democratic lawmakers say

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“Both countries have long relied on an American military presence in the Gulf to protect their security and oil fields,” the lawmakers said in a statement.

“We see no reason why American troops and contractors should continue to provide this service to countries that are actively working against us.

If Saudi Arabia and the UAE want to help [Russian President Vladimir] Putin, they should look to him for their defense.”. »

‘Not afraid anymore’: Iran protests enter fourth week

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Workers went on strike and street clashes erupted across the country over the death of Mahsa Amini in police custody.

Schoolgirls chanted slogans, workers went on strike and street clashes erupted across Iran as protests over the death of Mahsa Amini entered a fourth week in defiance of a bloody crackdown.

“Unbeknownst to them, our students and professors are alert and will not allow the enemy to realise their evil goals.”. »

Man with Down syndrome fired from Wendy's after 20 years

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A family in North Carolina is looking for answers after their loved one was fired from a job he's been doing for more than 20 years.

GASTON COUNTY, N.C. -- A family in North Carolina is looking for answers after their loved one was fired from a job he's been doing for more than 20 years.

Dennis Peek has Down syndrome and was planning to retire soon from a Wendy's restaurant in Gaston County. »