I moved into the closet for Hurricane Ian. It’s supposed to be a nearly direct hit on my city.

Image from preview.redd.it and submitted by ringaling11
image showing I moved into the closet for Hurricane Ian. It’s supposed to be a nearly direct hit on my city.

Rapidbetryal on September 28th, 2022 at 14:10 UTC »

What's it like there so far?

username156 on September 28th, 2022 at 19:34 UTC »

Ft Myers here. Windy. Losing shingles. No power and I'm full of mini pretzels.

South_Conference_768 on September 28th, 2022 at 20:53 UTC »

This is so painful to observe from across the state.

I lived in New Orleans and barely evacuated before Katrina hit. There are so many tropical storm weather survival facts that came to light after Katrina in the most horrific ways.

Some of them are applicable for any part of the country that can/does flood.

If you live in a single story home you MUST know how to get into your attic and from there through the roof. This is not hyperbole. You need a ladder in the house. You need an access point to the attic. You need at least one short handled axe capable of cutting through your roof.

You cannot plan to improvise in the moment. It won’t work.

You can’t go outside in a hurricane to climb on your roof. You need to be able to increase your elevation in stages if necessary.

Maybe I shouldn’t even mention this now as it isn’t useful in this moment…but anyone reading needs to have these simple tools and a simple plan accessible for the unthinkable if it happens.